Monday, January 25, 2010

Open House Part 2

As I've promised, I'll post about the second part of my house warming >.<
My dad ordered two barrels of beer. I was helping him to finish up both of the barrels.

My aunt promoting Tiger Beer.

And me promoting Tiger Beer too. XD ignore my hair. I was sweating >.<

I was 'kinda' forcing my dad'a frens to finish up the beer. My dad asked me to say these to them 'if yu cannot finish, then yu're not going home' or 'if yu cannot finish, yu'll handle the bill' lol. Of cuz, he was joking lar. He's just trying to finish up the two barrels.

What was even worse, when I told them those words, they bullied me back. Zz. They forced me to drink. Excuse me, under age lahh (: they were saying, 'where's yur glass? Keep asking us to drink but yu yurself also did not drink.' honestly, I tasted abit and it sux so much! So dam bitter. I shall say wine is so much nicer. Maybe I dunno how to drink :/ so, I teman them drink. But, I drank water XD such a cheater right? Haha. Btw, it's not easy yu know, so hard to finish up a glass of water. Made me felt so bloated. My goodness, I wonder how yu guys can drink.

Fireworks (: not me kayh? My neighbour. Lol.

While I was promoting the beer, suddenly I heard a loud cry inside the house. I quickly ran into the house and I saw a small kid fell into the pond! Omggg! What my mum said is so true man.. She needs to get some floats. Pity the small girl. First accident was, a boy fell on the stairs and his chin was bleeding. Got a small hole there. 2nd accident was a girl fell into the pond >.< what a pity.

Hmmmm, that's alI can think of for now. Will edit/ add more if remember (:


<3 this dress (:

Byeee (: